Wednesday, October 10, 2012

OMG I'm Pregnant

I don't know if anyone really reads this anymore, but I wanted to update you all.

I'm pregnant.

I know.  I can't believe it either.

I was basically waiting for my period to come at the end of September, so that we could start IUI in October.

I found out this past Friday.  I had woken up early to get some work on a personal project done.  I was a couple days away from getting my period and planning to visit my family that weekend.  I figured I would test so that those back-and-forth thoughts in my head ("Maybe I'm pregnant."  "I need to stop being delusional.  There's no way I'm pregnant.") could be vanquished once and for all.

I took one of those cheapie internet tests, but it was defective.  So I went downstairs, did a little work, and decided to test again.  I had a few more of those suckers left, so I figured why not?  The second one came back with just the faintest line.  So faint that I was sure I was imagining it.  I took my glasses off, put them back on.  Held the test up to the light, held it up to the window.  Turned it back and forth in my hand in case there was a glare.

But nope.  There was just the slightest line.

My heart pounding, I jumped into the car and raced to the drugstore where I bought two different types of digital tests, the kind that spell out "Pregnant" just so that there was no ambiguity.

At home, I took the one test, my hand shaking the entire time.  Wouldn't you know it?  It read, "Pregnant."

I shook my husband awake, who basically just stared at me in incomprehension for several seconds.  Finally, he gave me a high five and said, "Good job on saving us a couple thousand on fertility treatments."

I took a second digital test which read, "Yes+."  (And yes, there was indeed a plus symbol at the end of that yes in case you were in doubt.)

I absolutely could not and cannot believe it.

I had a blood test on Monday and today.  My HCG levels are great (314.4 on Monday and 725.3 today), which is what you want -- HCG should basically double every two days.

Next step is the ultrasound scan to detect a heartbeat, scheduled for October 24.  I know it's still very early on (I'm about 4w3d by my count) and we're not out of the woods yet, but I can't help rejoicing.

There were times where I truly doubted that I would be able to say that I (me?!), that I'm pregnant!  I have never been here before, so this is exciting.  I'm trying to take it one day at a time and celebrate each small milestone, whether or not this pregnant ultimately ends up progressing.

For now, I am truly grateful and humbled.


  1. wonderful news, congratulations!

  2. I havent visited your blog in some time, and what an amazing surprise it was to read this! really truly brought joy to me. It makes me so happy to see your sucess and I can not wait to follow your pregnancy journey, I hope you will continue to blog!

    1. Thank you Kim! It is indeed such wonderful news, and I can't believe I'm here. I see that you're going to be embarking on your IVF journey very soon. I wish you all the best!
